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News & Updates
Archived News Updates
September 8, 1998 |
My Birthday!
Well...yesterday, I turned 17. Yay! Unfortunately, I had to work on my birthday. =/ Gimme presents! =P
Not Much More...
Lots of progress has gone on with my Mortality
level. But, other than that, not too much else has happened. I haven't updated this site or any others because
of school...I'll try to update some this weekend. As a note: Apparently, some of the links to pages on this site
were messed-up by FrontPage. I fixed them, of course. =)
August 26, 1998 |
#doomroom is a cool channel started on
XNet--pretty muchly the coolest IRC server there is. =) It was started mainly to
allow people to talk freely without fear of being kicked--or worse--being kickbanned from
a channel. This is a great channel, and it was only started very recently.
Today was the "official" release of this channel...even though I knew
about it a little bit before.Links
I added a new section to my Links Page--IRC
Stuff. Soon it will be filled with all kinds of neat-o IRC stuff. =) I plan to
start listing various source ports, mods, etc. on a separate page soon, because there's so
many of them. I might even have a review of each. =)
August 24, 1998 |
Whoa...has it really been that long?! 16 days...Hmm...Well,
it's because school started on the 10th for me (way too early if you ask me). Also,
I have a job that I work at for about 3 hours a night on weekdays. So, as you can
see, free time for me is SEVERELY limited. I'll try to update more often, though. =)
Andy Baker had something to say about my site on
Andy's DOOM Page--"-=The
Best of DooM=- isn't going to remain "the best" for long, unless it's
updated..." Gee...well, thanks for your positive criticism. =(E-Sheep Launcher!
This is the cool E-Sheep Launcher! It replaces
the rockets in DooM with--you guessed it! E-Sheep! It totally r0x0rz! =) This
is only a beta and will be made lots better soon and probably with a small mod to give it
more frames, etc. =) E-mail me with comments, criticism, etc., especially since it's a
beta. =)
Mortality is going along smoothly, and we should be getting meetings set up.
This will be the best TC ever. =)
I added a large amount of links to my Links
Page--too many to list. =)
August 8, 1998 |
You probably noticed that the Mortality page had some missing
screenshots. That's because I "Exceed alotted disk quota" on AOL.
Stupid AOL! Well, anyway, I got a Xoom account for the Mortality page. Change your
bookmarks!Got to Meet Romero!
That's right! I got to meet John Romero himself! Go to DooM News and read my update's sorta
lengthy. =)
August 1, 1998 |
I've got over 10,000 hits on this site! Whoo-hoo! Keep 'em
coming! =PMortality
Updated Mortality with more screenshots
and some new stuff. I've also worked on my level, and the team is getting more
organized. =)
The DooM Updates Page is
going along great! I also updated some pages on my site...not much of an update on
any of them, so I won't list the ones I updated. =) I've got lots of stuff going on right
now, and I don't have too much free time. =/ I guess that's about it for this
July 29, 1998 |
Sorry, again!
I've been busy with--EVERYTHING! 'Nuff said.Mortality
Updated Mortality with more screenshots
and some more. Check 'em out!
New Page!
I created a new that strives to give a link to *every* DooM
site that updated each day. Not just the popular websites, like some others do. =) It's the DooM Updates Page. Currently, I'm
looking for someone to help me with this new site, so just e-mail me.
July 24, 1998 |
so Sorry...
I've gotten many links from people...but I haven't had time to put them up
yet. I haven't even had time to browse the sites yet. =( Also, I didn't update yesterday,
because I COULDN'T. Like I said, so sorry. Work and life are just catching up with me. =)
I also have other responsibilities in the DooM community right now. =) I also saw
Armaggedon today--that is one of the best movies I have ever seen!!! I strongly recommend
that EVERYBODY goes to see this movie. You will love it, unless you're a heartless foo. =PDooM News
Lookie at the newest member of the DooM News team! Yep, that's right--me! =) You
*should* be getting frequent updates from me. =)
Redoing Pages
I'm going to be redoing quite a few of these pages soon...Also I
*might* have a surprise or two up my sleeve... hehehe. =)
July 22, 1998 |
I updated the Mortality page with some news,
new members and best of all-screenshots! Check it out! JOIN MORTALITY OR DIE! =)DooM
More, more, more! Gimme those links! =) I put some more links on
today, but not as many as yesterday. They are: - THE
DOOM Page, LMPS R US, Peo Sj�bloms Doompage!!, The Quadrivium News pages, The Team Insanity Homepage!!, and Yonatan Donner's home page. I also
updated RicrobNet's link.
July 21, 1998 |
Doom Links
I did it again! Keep those links coming! Here's what I added today (hope I
didn't leave any out =) ~~> Cyberdemon's
Doom Page, Doom and Doom2 by Bruce A. Benko,
DOOM2 Deathmatch
Competition Ladder, Doom3D, Phantom Lord's Page, Music, Doom, and other Nifty stuff, NiGHTMARE's Haunt, Paranoid & X-pulse deathmatch levels, Phobos Lab, Sam’s Doom Page, Ver. .01,
and The DOOM Source Page. I
also updated Prower's Page of
DooM, Doom Legacy and DooMSter.Mortality
I sent the texture wad out and recruited some more new members. But
we STILL need more! I am planning on having 64 levels total--32 single player and 32
DeathMatch. I hope we can keep that goal. If you can design levels, program, create
sounds, make sprites, or do anything else for the project, e-mail me!
July 20, 1998 |
I updated the Mortality page with some news and
new members. Check it out!Not Too Much Else Today...
Hmm...well I brushed my teeth today. I also ate. I went to work.
Talked to many people online. Gee...there's the most boring update you've ever seen!
I joined the Special Effects project over at The Special Effects Shoppe. It looks like it
might be interesting. I am the newest beta tester for FragMaker, even though they weren't
accepting anymore applications for it. =) piXel
Mage Rex or Resolution Master Depth. still
need to put me on the testers
page, though. =) Also, I joined something else, but I can't say what it is
yet...You'll find out soon, though. =) I'm gonna be a busy man soon! =P
July 19, 1998 |
I accidentally overwrote the update for
today! Doomworld had an update about my update,
though. So go there. =) |
July 18, 1998 |
Test Page!
Finally, I redesigned the front page on this website. This is it! =) For one
thing, it *should* load quicker than the older version, and I think it's much more
pleasing to the eye. Tell me how much you like/dislike it over the old version. Also, if
you have ANY suggestions at all for this website and/or could possibly help with some new
graphics, etc., tell me, please! I REALLY need
help with a new background graphic for this page. For an experienced graphics artist, this
is probably WAY too easy, but for me, it turns out bad. =) You can see my pitiful attempt
in the background...if you can do better, please do it for me. I will be forever grateful.
Ola Bj�rling was gracious enough
to create us a perfectly tiling sunset sky for Mortality. It rocks! So, that's two skies
we have for Mortality so far. Luckily, I've already installed WinTex, and I just have a
little more *tweaking* to do to the texture wad. Mortality project designers: I'll
try to get the texture wad to you as soon as possible, along with questions, suggestions
for changes, etc. But first, I need your opinion--is it alright for me to make all new
textures for Mortality instead of replacing textures? It is much better in my opinion,
plus, you can use ALL the original DooM ][ textures along with the new textures. E-Mail Me with your opinion, please!
Many people have been pissed at Andy
Stine, aka Linguica for his personality, arrogance, etc. Especially since he fired
Prower from Doomworld. I was one of those people
for about a day. Man, was I ever pissed at him! =) But certain people (including myself
and DaGGeR) have made me realize that I was being a
jerk about it, too. =/ I even sent several e-mails to Linguica in apology. I hope he
accepts my apologies. Linguica was veeery clever and created a site (anonomously, I
might add =)~~> Linguica Sucks.
Definitely worth the visit.
July 17, 1998 |
New Computer!
I bought a new computer, finally! It's not THE TOP of the line, but it is
FAST! Expect lots more from me on this webpage, because with a faster computer, there's
less wait, and I get to do lots more! =)Mortality
I've had to get things set up on my computer, etc., so I haven't done
too much for Mortality within the last few days. Doomfrk
is currently working on the dragon boss for Mortality, so look for that soon! Also, I'm
gonna re-start work on the Mortality texture wad after I redownload WinTex. =) One last
thing, I will be sending out an e-mail to the Mortality team, so look for that if you're
on the team! JOIN MORTALITY! =)
I fixed two errors on this website. One was a broken link on the Files Page. The other was a missing table tag on this main page.
My Site!
Wanna know exactly when my website is updated? If you don't have Internet
Explorer 4.0 or a way to do so automatically, click here!
July 3, 1998 |
Hmm...the Mortality page may take awhile, but bear with me. =) Progress is
going satisfactorally on this project, in my opinion. If you wanna join, just e-mail me, and I will be glad to accept ANY help,
especially sprite artists. =) If you are on the project, look for the texture wad soon and
some proposed changes. I really want to decrease the number of marine base levels in this
project. If you have any objection to it, tell me.
Thanks!DooM ScreenSaver
Finally, I just got tired of trying to catch up with DoomGuy, so I just put his DooM screensaver on my site
for download. I don't know if he moved it, or if I've just had the URL of it wrong these
past months. So, you can download it now from the Files Page.
DooM Links!
You have ALL probably shied away from my DooM Links
Page because of the growing number of outdated links, bad links and links without
descriptions! Yes, you know who you are. =) Finally, I have worked many hours today fixing
it up. All of the bad links have been removed, thanks to the help of InfoLink Link Checker. I seriously suggest you download
this if you are serious about your website. I should get have descriptions up for all the
websites soon. If you have a website that's not listed, just drop me a line. I should have all of the Doomworld sites up soon, in their own section, of
Other Changes
I added a new document to my Documents Page--the
Plasma Rifle FAQ. I
also updated my Shotgun FAQ. It now includes a demo
(one that was poorly made =) with a wad demonstrating the capabilities of the shotgun. I
also changed the link for where you can get the uncompleted ZelDoom.
Sorta New Layout
I fixed the headings that I did in the last update. My computer put the
headings as "DooM Font", not "DooM". The "DooM Font" is
another DooM font, but it is only one size, not TrueType, and not near as good. =) How do
you like the new font for the headings on this page? E-Mail
Me and tell me how you like (or dislike) it. If you don't have the DooM font, go to
the Files Page.
June 27, 1998 |
If anybody wants to join Mortality, just e-mail
me. I will gladly get back with you as soon as possible. We are mostly in need of
anybody that can do sprites, but any help at all will be appreciated. =) Look for the
Mortality page coming soon, hopefully.DooM Cursors for Win95!!!
I finally got bored of the DooM cursors that I got in the DooM theme. I
downloaded it somewhere off the Internet. Looking at the cursors, I realized they could be
better. So I made my own set! Download them off of the Files Page.
Sorta New Layout
How do you like the new font for the headings on this page? E-Mail Me and tell me how you like (or dislike) it.
If you don't have the DooM font, go to the Files Page.